Alleged bank robbers tied hostages to the tops of getaway vehicles following a raid in the Brazilian city of Araçatuba, BBC News reported Monday.

According to authorities, at least three individuals were killed and among them was one of the suspects.

“Officials said more than 20 people took part in the heist, blocking off roads with burning vehicles and placing explosive devices across the city. Large-scale bank robberies have become more frequent in recent years, with hostages used as human shields,” the outlet reported.

Police told reporters three suspects had been taken into custody.

The BBC article continued:

A gang of heavily armed men attacked three banks in the centre of Araçatuba in the early hours of Monday local time. After the robbery, the gang took a number of hostages and surrounded the local military police station. Gang members also blocked key access roads into the city by setting cars alight, local media reported.

UOL News shared video footage of two hostages, one on the hood of a white truck and the other on the roof, as the vehicle drove down a street and a silver SUV following behind it appeared to have an individual crouched on its hood:

Jornal O Globo also posted video of four individuals walking down a street while two people in dark clothing followed close behind them:

According to, four individuals were rescued with injuries and transported to Santa Casa de Araçatuba.

“One of them was a 25-year-old cyclist who had both feet amputated after being hit by an explosive,” the outlet said, adding the hospital noted no police officers were admitted with injuries:

Part of the criminals fled towards the Taveira neighborhood, a rural area, where there was a confrontation with the police. One criminal died and another, shot, was taken to Santa Casa. The gang abandoned vehicles used in the crime and stole others from residents to flee. Residents also reported finding explosives and ammunition in the city’s streets. The PM reported that at least 20 points were identified with explosives. Stores were also damaged. Rua Luiz Pereira Barreto, where more than ten explosives were found, had to be interdicted.

“It’s a horrible feeling, a horror. I live a few blocks from the Center. I heard all the shots, following them through videos. I didn’t leave the house and I ask the population to stay at home,” Mayor Dilador Borges commented.