Homan: ‘I Believe’ Adams Wants to Remove Threats, But Need to ‘See Movement in the Near Future’

Video Source: Newsmax

On Monday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “Greg Kelly Reports,” Border Czar Tom Homan responded to a question on whether New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) is actually keeping his commitments on immigration by stating that “I believe him that he wants to remove public safety threats from his streets. He committed to letting us in Rikers Island to talk to the worst of the worst that they locked in a jail cell, because, obviously, they’re a public safety threat. So, we’ll see” in the next week and “if we don’t see movement in the near future, we’re going to go to New York and do what we’ve got to do.”

Host Greg Kelly asked, “Eric Adams…has made public commitments to helping ICE, not thwarting them or to ease back on the sanctuary city stuff. Is he making good on his commitments?”

Homan answered, “We have another follow-up meeting. He says he’s going to do the right thing. We’ll find out in the next week or so, and if not, we’ll go to New York and do our thing. We’d certainly like his assistance. I believe him that he wants to remove public safety threats from his streets. He committed to letting us in Rikers Island to talk to the worst of the worst that they locked in a jail cell, because, obviously, they’re a public safety threat. So, we’ll see. The promise — words are great, but action is better. So, if we don’t see movement in the near future, we’re going to go to New York and do what we’ve got to do.”

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