On Thursday’s broadcast of “MSNBC Prime,” American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten argued that federal education money will either go to tax cuts or block grants for school vouchers, which she claimed that “people don’t actually need” at all “because most people who are using vouchers these days already go to private schools.”
While discussing moves to eliminate the federal Department of Education Weingarten said, “[T]ake Mississippi, that’s done such a good job in really using these federal dollars to get its literacy up, how is it going to replace 20% of the education dollar? Or are they even thinking it is going to replace it?”
She continued, “Because either — it’s either going for tax cuts for Elon or it’s going for block grants for vouchers, which people don’t actually need, because most people who are using vouchers these days already go to private schools. So, we’re basically robbing Peter to pay Elon here.”
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