Bernie Sanders: ‘The Democratic Party Has Virtually No Grassroots Support’

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said Tuesday on CNN’s “The Source” that “the Democratic Party has virtually no grassroots support.”

Sanders said, “I know, everyone’s beating up on Chuck, and I strongly disagree with them. Strongly. No one is in the caucus more critical of Schumer than I am. But it’s not Schumer. It’s the caucus. It’s not the caucus. It’s the Democratic Party. You got to take a deep breath and understand that you have a Democratic Party — you know, you got a Republican Party which is owned by Musk. Any Republican who defies Donald Trump will be primaried by Musk’s unlimited amounts of money.”:

He added, “In the Democratic Party, you’ve got a party that is heavily dominated by the billionaire class, run by consultants who are way out of touch with reality. It has — the Democratic Party has virtually no grassroots support. So, what we are trying to do is, in one way or another, maybe create a party within the party, of bringing millions of young people, working- class people, people of color, to demand that the Democratic Party start standing with the working-class of this country, and take on the very powerful corporate interests that have never had it so good.”

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