Carville: ‘Environmental Policy, Water Policy’ Contributed to ‘Tragedy We Had in the Pacific Palisades’

During an interview with Fox LA host Elex Michaelson for “The Issue Is” that was released on Friday, Democratic strategist James Carville stated that while protections for the Delta smelt had nothing to do with the devastation from the recent fires in California “a combination of environmental policy, water policy, irresponsible building codes, insurance companies…all conspired together to bring the tragedy we had in the Pacific Palisades. That’s the truth, alright.”

Carville said, “[Y]our challenge is, how do you make the truth interesting? Because if you can make up anything you want, then — a combination of environmental policy, water policy, irresponsible building codes, insurance companies caused this all conspired together to bring the tragedy we had in the Pacific Palisades. That’s the truth, alright. It was a bunch of woke people protecting some Delta smelt thing…that’s more interesting. That’s easier.”

Michaelson responded, “Fiction is easier to write than nonfiction.” And Carville agreed. Carville added that places that shouldn’t have been built in were built in and that’s been encouraged by insurance and subsidizing.

Earlier in the interview, Carville stated that it’s worth looking into whether there was a lack of maintenance on fire trucks.

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