Carney on Kudlow: Budget Cutting, Reducing Government Size ‘Profoundly Anti-Inflationary’

Breitbart News economics editor John Carney said Tuesday on Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow” that the Trump administration’s plan to reduce the size of the federal government will be “profoundly anti-inflationary.”

Host Larry Kudlow said, “I mean, over 50,000 federal jobs, John, and I want to add to that the impoundment issue. I know that official Washington swampland doesn’t like impoundment. The fact is, American presidents had it for over 200 years until a far-left Congress took it away from Richard Nixon, you know, during his worst moments in 1974. But budget-cutting, employment rifts, and impoundment- now that is going to be tough stuff.

Carney said, “It is a profoundly anti-inflationary.”

Kudlow said, “There you go.”

Carney continued, “Because remember that federal workers, the swamp, do not add goods and services to the economy at all, but they consume goods and services. By forcing people out of the federal government into the productive private sector we will add to the supply of goods and services of the country and without adding to demand these people will have to find productive jobs. That will be good for us frankly it will be good for them because they are sitting around in jobs they never go to do no work and do not add any productive services or goods to the economy. Take them out. Donald Trump should look at, I guarantee it’s even greater than 50,000. The amount of DEI policy makers there are in the United States government right now is huge. You can classify all of them as policy makers, Donald Trump can get rid of every single one of them.”

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