Dem Rep. Robert Garcia on Trump Getting Colombia to Take Deportation Flights: He ‘Wants Us to Be a Spectacle’

On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Chris Jansing Reports,” Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) argued that President Donald Trump wants to put “a show on, as we’ve seen with his actions with Colombia, with tariffs. He wants us to be a spectacle.”

Garcia said, “I think everyone can agree, Democrats, Republicans, I think all good people believe that, if you’re here, you are causing crimes, you’re obviously doing harm to our country, to our people, you shouldn’t be in this country. Everyone agrees with that. But that’s not what this is. This is empowering ICE to go into our public schools, into our churches, into places where people should feel safe. And people are going to get swept up who are DREAMers, who are just here working in our restaurants, taking care of our kids, working in our small businesses. And that, I think, should concern all of us. This is an inhumane approach and process that Donald Trump is putting out there. One, because he could[n’t] care less about immigrants and the history of migrants in this country, but also because of the cruelty.”

He continued, “He wants to put, also, a show on, as we’ve seen with his actions with Colombia, with tariffs. He wants us to be a spectacle. And what’s really, I think, really should enrage us and should sadden and anger us is the fact that Donald Trump could[n’t] care less about people as human beings. He wants to round people up, deport them, he could[n’t] care less who gets deported, and I think that’s what concerns a lot of us in Congress, but should concern every single American.”

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