On Wednesday’s broadcast of OANN’s “Real America,” Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) responded to claims from Democrats that his bill banning biological men from federally-funded K-12 women’s sports will result in genital inspections by noting that the legislation defines sex as “based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.” So, because the bill bases its definition of sex based on their status at birth, determining someone’s sex would be done by merely looking at their birth certificate.

Steube stated, [relevant remarks begin around 2:25] “[A] lot of Democrats…said that, oh, there [are] going to be these examinations of young girls to determine whether they’re a girl or a boy, complete and outright lie. Read the bill. The bill says their gender will be determined by their sex at birth.”

He continued, “So, … send in a birth certificate. It’s not a matter of we’re going to do a genital exam and determine whether you’re a male or a female. That’s not how this is. But they have to emotionalize and fearmonger to make us look insensitive and how dare [would we] do that? And it’s all a lie, it’s a complete and utter lie.”

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