Capehart: Homan’s Giving Families With Members in Country Illegally ‘No Choice’

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” Washington Post Associate Editor and MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart said that incoming Trump Border Czar Tom Homan’s proposal that families who have parents who are in the country illegally need to decide between either being in detention and then leaving the country together or separating is “not where we should be going as a country.” And is “no choice at all, not for those families. That’s why they’re living in fear right now.”

After New York Times columnist David Brooks argued that the border has to be secured to get people to support immigration, Capehart said, “And I hear that. But what we’re about to see, if you listen to Tom Homan, the incoming Border Czar for Donald Trump, part of that solution is separating families again, deporting families if they don’t want to be separated. That’s not where we should be going as a country.”

Co-host Lisa Desjardins then stated, “He’s saying he would give them the choice, either you are in detention together or you would have to choose to separate.”

Capehart responded, “That’s no — but that’s no choice. That’s no choice at all, not for those families. That’s why they’re living in fear right now.”

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