Hawley: ‘Slander and Garbage’ About Gaetz Approaching Kavanaugh Proportions

On Wednesday on FNC’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) criticized the media’s rhetoric and claims regarding former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for Attorney General.

The Missouri Republican said the “slander and garbage” was approaching that which then-Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh faced during his confirmation process.

“Senator Hawley, so what’s the word in the Senate about these confirmations?” host Jesse Watters asked.

“Well, I think the word ought to be, Jesse, that every single one of these nominees needs to have a confirmation hearing as quickly as possible,” Hawley replied. “My plan is to support all of them. And I would just say to my Senate colleagues, listen, let these guys testify. Give them a shot. I know some of these Senate calls, some of these Senate GOP folks are saying, oh, I’ve got concerns. That’s what a hearing is for.”

“Don’t go out and bash these people until you’ve at least allowed them to make their case,” he continued. “And listen, I mean, I think they’ve got momentum. I thought the meeting today with Gaetz went great, and it’s full steam ahead.”

“So some of these guys, even not having a hearing, maybe not even met Matt Gaetz, they’re just nos?” Watters said.

“You know, I’ve read about my colleagues, some of them here in the Senate, who say we’ve got deep concerns. Of course, I’m reading all of the slander and garbage in the press about Gaetz and others, and this is really approaching Kavanaugh proportions. They’re trying to do to him what they did to Kavanaugh. And the answer to that is, let the guy speak. He deserves to be able to address this himself. He deserves to be able to lay out his vision and the president’s vision for the DOJ and I look forward to that. And listen, as I said to President Trump, I’m going to help in whatever way I can to get the president the Cabinet that he wants and deserves.”

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