During an interview with “PBS NewsHour” aired on Monday, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan responded to questions on if the Chinese cyberespionage campaign that successfully compromised multiple networks and illicitly obtained information still has access to those companies by stating that the investigation is ongoing and “covers both the question of what’s happened in the past and what’s happening right now.”

“NewsHour” Foreign Affairs and Defense Correspondent Nick Schifrin asked, “Last week, the FBI and the [CISA] acknowledged a Chinese cyberespionage campaign compromised multiple telecommunications networks, including information given to U.S. law enforcement under court orders from those telecommunications companies. Does China still, today, have access to those telecommunications companies and that information?”

Sullivan responded, “Well, as you noted, this is an active investigation between the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security. But what I will tell you is this is a significant event. The intrusion into these private telecommunications networks…also involve[s] communications, on an unclassified level, by government officials. So, it’s something we take deeply seriously.”

Schifrin followed up, “You say the investigation is ongoing. But is the intrusion ongoing as well?”

Sullivan answered, “Well, I’m saying the investigation covers both the question of what’s happened in the past and what’s happening right now.”

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