Alex Marlow: Yale Embarrasses Itself with Woke ‘Beyonce Makes History’ Course

On “The Alex Marlow Show” on Tuesday, Breitbart Editor-in-Chief and host Alex Marlow mocked Ivy League schools like Yale for degrading themselves with things like Yale’s Beyoncé course.

Marlow said, “Yale University’s going to offer a Beyoncé makes history course in 2025. So, that’s what they’re doing. We’re just kicking butt and taking names and then they’re — they’ve got a new Beyoncé course over at Yale. Do the Ivy Leagues know that they degrade themselves and debase themselves? I love it. Because, as people have been pointing out, there’s no surer sign of people moving to the left than…when they go to college. That’s where it’s at. That is the fountain of leftism in our society…the universities. … And, not to mention, they infect our cities.”

“The Alex Marlow Show,” hosted by Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow, is a weekday podcast produced by Breitbart News and Salem Podcast Network. You can subscribe to the podcast on YouTubeRumbleApple Podcasts, and Spotify.

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