CNN’s Phillip on Bezos Op-Ed: Attacks from Politicians Are ‘Main Issue’ with Media Distrust 

On Monday’s broadcast of “CNN NewsNight,” host Abby Phillip reacted to Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos’ op-ed defending the paper refraining from endorsing any candidate in the 2024 presidential race by stating that the “main issue” with the decline in trust in media is the fact that there have been attacks by politicians and said that there are “voters who believe lying politicians who tell them lies, knowing that they are.”

CNN Chief Media Analyst Brian Stelter said that “for all the flaws of the mainstream media, and we have a lot of them, it’s not just the media’s fault that trust has been declining for decades, it’s also decades of attacks by politicians.”

Phillip responded, “That is the main issue, is that, like — yeah, it could be that The Washington Post is endorsing candidates or it could be that there are millions of voters who believe lying politicians who tell them lies, knowing that they are. That could be the problem, too.”

Phillip also stated that candidate endorsements from newspapers are “not my jam. I don’t necessarily think papers should be doing it top to bottom on the ballot.” But she takes issue with the timing of the decision by The Washington Post.

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