Brzezinski: Second Trump Term Would Be a ‘Descent into Fascism’

MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski said Monday on ABC’s “The View” that a second term for former President Donald Trump would be a “descent into fascism.”

Brzezinski said, “It was everything that you need to know about Donald Trump in one weird, white nationalist, Nazi-type rally, and of course, there’s historic parallels to where and when this happened. But even more so, it also points out everything that we know, but it’s important to act on right now ’cause this is the moment, and we won’t have it again. Nobody gets a pass trashing America — Puerto Rican Americans. Nobody gets a pass degrading people. Nobody gets a pass degrading legal migrants and terrorizing people. Nobody gets a pass threatening his enemies with using the military against them. Nobody gets a pass on inciting an insurrection. Nobody gets a pass on saying he fancies Hitler and wants to have generals like his. Nobody gets a pass on insulting veterans and saying those who have died for our country are suckers and losers except for convicted felon Donald Trump.”

She added, “Guys, here’s the warning: this is called normalization. This is the descent into fascism if we so choose. Normalizing January 6th as a ‘day of love.’ It’s a ‘day of love.’ I’ll say it again and again and again. Normalizing ‘enemy from within.’ I’ll say it again and again. I’ll say it again and again until you get tired of it. Until it’s not so funny anymore, or you think he doesn’t mean it until you realize he does mean it, and it’s too late. Saying these strict abortion bans are a ‘beautiful thing.’ Are you kidding me? We have to wake up. And here’s the good news, cause I come with such dire warnings, and I mean them from the bottom of my heart. As a daughter of refugees who came here escaping war, came here for America, to be a part of a democracy. To be a part of building something beautiful where they could be free, I’m telling you the good news is that I believe women will be the beacon in this election.”

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