Alter: Trump Polling Well Because ‘Some People Don’t Understand What Fascism Is’

Political analyst Jonathan Alter commented Friday on CNN’s “The Situation Room” on  President Donald Trump‘s rise in the polls, which he attributed to voters not grasping “fascism.”

Host Wolf Blitzer said, “Trump’s latest praise for dictators as a new ABC poll finds that nearly half the country thinks Trump is a fascist, will put those numbers up on the screen there you see 49% believe Trump is a fascist and yet our new CNN national poll today shows the race is tied you can see it over there, 47% to 47%. How do you square that?”

Alter said, “Well, I think it’s tough. I mean, that report we just saw is why the stakes are so high. Do we want to become an oligarch key full of crony capitalism? Do we want an American Putin is really what’s on offer in this election. Donald Trump obviously, really reveres Putin. He’s manipulated by him. And when you introduce Musk into the matrix, it becomes seriously disturbing. I’m glad that fascism is being debated. It should have been debated quite a while ago when you have the former chief of staff to the president, the former top military officer in the entire United States both saying that Donald Trump is a fascist. Maybe some people don’t understand what fascism is, but all they have to do is read a little history about a guy named Adolf Hitler and they might get a better sense of what we have in store if we elect this entirely unfit man as President of the United States.”

He added, “I’m hoping — I’m praying, actually, that people wake up and smell the coffee and understand the stakes. Concentrate less on the horse race in the media and concentrate on what’s at stake for our country.”

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