Brzezinski: Trump Is ‘Killing Us,’ Women Have Died Already

MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski claimed Thursday on “Morning Joe” that President Donald Trump was “killing” women because his appointees for the Supreme Court helped overturn Roe v. Wade.

Brzezinski said, “Important as Trump’s fascism is, and is the lead story every day, his cozying up to dictators, his obsession with Hitler that has now come out. What he has said about our veterans and what he wants to do with the military against his political adversaries. It’s all huge news. This is the future that we’re looking at in the next Trump term, if there is one. But this is what voters know right now, that he is killing us. I’m talking about us women. He’s killing us. He is putting us at risk. He is making us afraid to have babies. He is putting our reproductive health at risk. And some women have died already because of this.”

She added, “So, we can see right now what’s coming. These headlines and very good reporting, by the way, that shouldn’t be questioned by idiots about what Trump has said about Hitler. That’s incredibly important to know. But I do understand that people who are busy and that are people who are just tapping in may not be able to comprehend because we’ve been free. We’ve been comfortable. We cannot comprehend that. And I understand that. I validate that it is hard to go from here to there. It is where we’re going. I hope we don’t find out the hard way. But what’s happening with women right now is real, and it is playing out across America.”

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