During an interview with the Fox News Channel that took place on Tuesday and was released on Wednesday on the “Fox News Rundown” podcast “Evening Edition,” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said that he won’t comment on if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a dependable ally, but there is a strong partnership between the two countries and “we’re going to continue to support Israel in its right to defend itself.”

Fox News Chief National Security Correspondent Jennifer Griffin asked, [relevant exchange begins around 17:00] “There’s been growing frustration by you and others in the administration that, during the past year, Israel has not been careful enough about civilian casualties in Gaza and now in Lebanon. The U.S. has been blindsided at times, with Israel not telling it in advance about striking certain targets, and that has threatened to spread the war, as well as draw the U.S. into a direct conflict with Iran. Is Netanyahu a reliable ally?”

Austin responded, “I won’t comment on the Prime Minister. What I will tell you is that our commitment is that we’re going to continue to support Israel in its right to defend itself. Now, you’ve also heard me say that protecting civilians in the battle space and achieving military objectives are not mutually exclusive. I think you can do both. And, as I have talked to my counterpart, I’ve continuously emphasized the need to make sure that they’re doing the right things to prevent excessive casualties. But, I’ll tell you, both Hamas and Lebanese Hezbollah have made this tough fight — and it’s very tough terrain — even tougher by what they’re doing in terms of using civilians as shields, using — putting their military command posts and ammunition stores underneath hospitals and schools and mosques. It is a tough battlefield to begin with, but that makes it even tougher. But, having said all of that, our expectation is that we’re doing everything we can — the Israelis are doing everything that they can to protect civilian life.”

Later, Austin said the U.S. and Israel “remain committed” to supporting one another.

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