During an interview with the Fox News Channel that took place on Tuesday and was released on Wednesday on the “Fox News Rundown” podcast “Evening Edition,” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin responded to a question on whether he and President Joe Biden urged Israel to avoid striking Iran’s nuclear sites or oil facilities and why those sites and/or facilities shouldn’t be hit by stating that Israel will ultimately decide what they do and do not strike, but, in his view, he believes that “if you’re conducting a military strike, it ought to be against military targets.”

Fox News Chief National Security Correspondent Jennifer Griffin asked, [relevant exchange begins around 20:45] “Did you and President Biden encourage the Israelis not to strike Iran’s nuclear sites or oil facilities? Why not strike those targets?”

Austin answered, “Jen, whatever Iran chooses to do in its targeting is going to be — excuse me, Israel chooses to do in its targeting is going to be their choice. And — but, from my perspective, I think if you’re conducting a military strike, it ought to be against military targets.”

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