Scaramucci: If Elected Trump Will Lead Us to ‘Corruption, Kleptocracy and Ultimately Violence’

Former Trump communications director Anthony Scaramucci said Wednesday on “CNN News Central” that if elected again, former President Donald Trump will lead to “lots of corruption, kleptocracy and ultimately violence.”

Scaramucci said, “The real question you have to ask people is what’s up with the support of Donald Trump if you’ve got people 40 people in the White House, myself included telling you how dangerous the person is. Let’s say we worked at a pharmaceutical company and we told you that the pill you are about to give one of your family members was going to kill them would you still give the pill? There is something in the body politic today that we have to get our arms around. I think there are people that like this strong man sort of thing. I’m just here to message people that Churchill ultimately was right, that a democracy is a terrible form of government until you consider all the other forms of government. What we know about strong leaders is it leads to lots of corruption, kleptocracy and ultimately violence.”

He added, “So I’m asking people to please reconsider their vote for Donald Trump. We know that his economic plan is not as good as the vice president’s. We know that he doesn’t believe in a rules-based society, he doesn’t like our allies. If you like the continuity of America and all the things that have made us peaceful and prosperous over the years I hope people will reconsider what they’re doing and vote for the vice president.”

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