[WARNING: Adult Language]

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace said Tuesday on “Deadline” that former President Donald Trump’s “heinous racism” can’t be overstated because the presidential race is close according to the polls.

Wallace said, “There is some meticulously reported and stunning new reporting out of The Atlantic on the heinous racism and contempt for the men and women who serve and are injured and die serving our country in the United States Military by the man seeking to serve as our next commander-in-chief.”

She continued, “According to Atlantic reporter Jeffrey Goldberg whose body of reporting on this topic is rock solid, Donald Trump erupted when presented with the cost of a funeral for a 20-year-old army private, Vanessa Guillén. She was murdered at Fort Hood. Guillén is the daughter of Mexican immigrants. She grew up in Houston, Texas. Jeffrey Goldberg reports on what happened at an Oval Office meeting in December of 2020. At a certain point according to two people present at the meeting Donald Trump asked, ‘Did they bill us for the funeral? What did it cost?’ According to attendees and to contemporaneous notes of the meeting taken by a participant, an aide answered, ‘Yes, we received a bill. The funeral costs $60,000.’ Trump became angry. ‘It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican.’ He turned to his chief of staff Mark Meadows and issued an order, ‘Don’t pay it.’ Later that day he was still agitated. ‘Can you believe it,’ he said according to a witness, ‘fucking people trying to rip me off.’ That’s Donald Trump using the F word to describe a funeral that he had offered to pay for for a member of the United States Military. With 14 days to go, we apologize for the profanity but we want to quote Donald Trump accurately and be faithful to this extraordinary body of reporting.”

Wallace added, “While this happened almost four years ago, its significance cannot be overstated considering the tight race that the country is facing for president.”

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