Geraldo Rivera: ‘Woe Is Us’ if We Selfishly Elect Trump Again

During an appearance Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat,” Geraldo Rivera said, “Woe is us if we are so self-interested, so selfish” that we elected former President Donald Trump.

Rivera said, “He has in many ways coopted. It’s become in terms of ruthless pragmatism, Ari. That’s all I can attribute it to. There is the loyalty toward Trump but also to the party and also to the power that comes with being the party in power. So, I understand that there is that practical aspect at work. But what I urge people to recognize is that this is a man who would do or say anything. It’s very, very dangerous.”

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He continued, “It is absolutely imperative that people whose names sound like mine understand that this guy says that we are poisoning the blood of the country. He says that it is in our genes that we commit murder. This is a guy who promises mass deportation of our friends and relatives should he regain the White House.”

Rivera added, “In terms of the broader phenomenon at work here, I think it really is a case of self-interest. Yes, he, you know, defied the Constitution, but you know what, his tax policies would benefit me. When I die, the capital gains tax will apply at this rate that it will be to my benefit. So I can hold my nose and vote for him.”

He concluded, “You know, there is a sense of other that he has cultivated. And you know, I think that we always say it’s the most important election of your lifetime, in this case, I really believe it. I believe that should Donald Trump regain the White House, anything goes. And woe is us if we are so self-interested, so selfish that we would not only hold our nose but suspend our principles to support him again.”

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