FNC’s Rove: Holding the Senate Becoming a ‘Nightmare’ for Dems

Former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove said Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom” that the battle for control of the Senate was a series of nightmares for the Democrats.

Rove said, “First of all, he’s already had a nightmare or two because West Virginia, there was no way they could hold it once Joe Manchin announced his retirement. I can’t even tell you the name of the Democratic candidate, he’s a mayor of a town in the western panhandle and he’s going to lose by 30 points. Then they had another nightmare, Schumer had another nightmare. In Montana, Tim Sheehy has pulled into a pretty significant lead ahead of Jon Tester. Jon Tester, who said, I’m a different kind of Democrat when he got elected 12 years ago, but he hasn’t been able to show he’s a different kind of Democrat for the last four.”

He continued, “And then now we’ve got the Great Lakes states, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania, all of which are now toss-up races. Two of them are, excuse me, one of them is an open seat, Michigan, and three of them are against incumbents. But the longtime incumbents, at least two of them are now running television ads saying they’re with Donald Trump on important issues, which says something about how they’re nervous about the underlying firmament in their states.”

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