Michael Cohen, a former personal attorney for Donald Trump, said Thursday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that if former President Donald Trump wins the election, he will “get rid of the judiciary and get rid of the Congress.”

Cohen said, “This was about my book. He was afraid that the book, “Disloyal,” was critical of him and didn’t want it published. So they created a fraudulent document to have me sign that completely impeded my First Amendment Constitutional right. When I refused to sign the document, they asked me to wait in the hallway. I did. An hour later three of the biggest marshals you have seen in your life showed up, handcuffed, shackled me, put me in a freezer and sent me back to solitary confinement in Otisville for another 16 days until ultimately my lawyer had me released on a habeas corpus petition. The problem is that petition is no longer valid if in fact Trump wins, and he does exactly what he says he will do, rewrite the Constitution. And he is going to destroy our tripartite system, get rid of the judiciary and get rid of the Congress.”

He added, “I can’t believe this is the America that we are talking about. This is something you see in Russia. This is something you see in Saudi Arabia, something you see in North Korea, in China. You don’t see this in the United States of America. But guess what? We do. That’s the type of government that this man is going to run. Especially when he turns around and says he wants loyalty oaths taken and given to him by every single person in his administration. There will be no guardrails.”

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