Media commentator Brian Stelter said Wednesday on CNN’s “The Situation Room” that Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris’s interview on Fox News was “a sign of toughness and strength.”

Network commentator Alyssa Farah Griffin said, “I am among those people who worked with Donald Trump was in the Situation Room, was in the Oval Office with him. And can tell you you can’t fix bad character. He is somebody that has a historic number of his advisors, his own cabinet officials have spoken out and said this is a man that we don’t think is fit for office. I think that she did convey that point. I do think that’s important frankly, for Fox viewers to hear.”

Stelter said, “I think this strategy from Harris was a Google strategy. She wanted Fox Viewers to start to Google some of the things she was saying because some of the comments she was making this interview are foreign to the Fox audience. For example, General Mark Milley saying Trump is a fascist to the core, that’s barely been covered on Fox News. She was able to get some of those talking points in this was the most adversarial interview, Kamala Harris has probably ever done, instead of getting to debate Trump again, she got the debate Bret Baier. And a lot of viewers are going to come away saying, ‘Wow, she’s willing to do that.’ That’s a sign of toughness and strength.”

Wolf Blitzer said, “Yeah it’s impressive indeed.”

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