Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) claimed Friday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that former President Donald Trump and Republicans are telling voters lies.

Lofgren said, “I look at many of my colleagues, actually the majority of the Republicans, they are not speaking out in the House. They saw what happened to Adam and Liz when they did. So you have got a divided country really. I mean, there is partisanship. Republicans are telling their voters lies, and the Republican voters, as Republicans, want to believe the Republican leaders.”

She added, “The disappointing thing is, my colleagues, for the most part, know better. I mean, you know, we were all in the Capitol when it was attacked. We were there on the floor. Some of my colleagues, Republicans, tried to help the police to keep the mob from breaking in. We were escaping down the hallway when the mob was breaking the windows at the other end of the hallway. Some of them, they were with me, are now they are saying it was a tourist visit. You know, that you would do such a thing, I mean you know it’s a lie. I mean, we had the same experience. So that Trump, who, if his lips are moving, it’s a lie, can get away with it so that his voters will believe him. He’s got this core saying it’s true. It’s very dangerous to our country, I think.”

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