Maya Wiley: Trump Is Pushing Overt ‘Old-Fashioned White Supremacy’

Civil rights attorney Maya Wiley said Monday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that former President Donald Trump was pushing “old-fashioned white supremacy” when discussing murderers.

Wiley said, “One of the things we’ve seen in Trump, and to Eddie’s point about what actually is it an avatar for, but it’s also what does he himself believe, what is he using his platform for? It has always been, always been to tell lies that advance his own personal agenda. And we’ve always seen that when it’s not going his way he gets angrier the ketchup goes on the wall. He refuses to tell people to maybe stand down and not charge the Capitol. I mean, we saw it in some of the things we were seeing in the new briefing from the United States in its case against Donald Trump for insurrection. We’re even seeing it in some of the comments he is making where he has said something that falls squarely in the definition of overt racism. When he says that some people by the basis of who they are as a group are by definition violent. It is overt, the genes. That’s just old-fashioned white supremacy. He has always tilted his hat at that. He has always referenced it.”

She added, “The fact that as he is losing what he perceived is the win he was going to get, remember, in the Republican National Convention he was going to be the new kinder, gentler Donald Trump but can’t maintain it when he sees the opportunity for his victory in danger.”

Wiley added, “I think we have to be clear there has been a substance to it like building a wall, like being willing to whip up hate.”

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