Friday, during an interview that aired on Mobile, AL radio FM Talk 106.5, Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) blasted the Biden-Harris administration for its response to storm-ravaged areas impacted by Hurricane Helene.

The Alabama U.S. Senator said it was criminal how the federal government had allegedly misused disaster relief money to compensate illegal immigrants.

Partial transcript as follows:

We’re in a tough situation, Jeff, and we’ve been lied to. We’ve been scammed, the American people have been scammed. You know, I’m a Republican, but first of all, I’m an American that believes in Christian values and believe in our country and believe in the people that built this country and I want to leave this country to our kids and grandkids. So that being said, we’ve been scammed.

You know, you’ve got two people running now for office that were not elected through the process. They were selected. And why did that happen? I know people when Joe Biden got out, friends of mine on the Democratic side in the Senate, they were going to run for the nomination when they had their convention.

And they were immediately called and told, you will not run. We have selected this person to run. Pretty much threatened them.

And so they didn’t run. And so. they said, hey, you know, I’m not getting involved in something that could be a huge threat to me and my family. So what has happened is, Mayorkas and this whole group have lied to the American people for three and a half, going on four years.

He kept saying our borders closed and this and that. Now, you know, we all been looking for, where are they getting this money from to take care of these people? Other than the fact we knew they’re using the CARES money, COVID money, Inflation Reduction Act money.

Now we know that the group that has been confiscated by this regime other than the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, everybody involved, now FEMA. They have been taking money from FEMA and paying these illegal immigrants and taking care of them. And it’s all coming out in the light.

And people now look, well, wait a minute, this is for a natural disaster, not a manmade disaster like the border. But they’re corrupt. Every day, something comes up now that they’ve been exposed, that they’ve been doing, they shouldn’t be doing.

And people should be going to jail. This is treason. And not taking care of these people up and down the East Coast because this. Ae need to do a supplemental.

We don’t have the money. We’re printing $80,000 a second right now, just to keep our country going. They have absolutely, Jeff, run us in the ditch.

We’re going to have so hard a time — the American people are getting out of this mess they’ve got us in. And they’re pushing the narrative of electing these two people that, you know, Trump and JD Vance are so much more qualified than these two clowns running.

But these two clowns aren’t going to be running the show. It’s going to be the Deep State behind the scenes. And folks, I know if you’re out there, a Democrat, you’ve always voted Democrat, that’s the way it goes.

This is not Democrat versus Republican. This is America versus Deep State socialism. And it’s coming to an end here in about 30 days.

And my God, if Trump doesn’t win, I don’t know what we’re going to do. I really don’t.

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