ADL CEO: It’s ‘Like Nothing Has Changed’ with Campus Antisemitism, We Need to Re-Examine Tenure

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Anti-Defamation League Jonathan Greenblatt stated that the situation with antisemitism on campuses is “like nothing has changed. It’s still bad. It’s still terrible.” And argued that “the tenure system needs to be re-examined” to help fight antisemitism from the faculty.

Greenblatt said, “School’s in, we’re just a couple of weeks in, and it’s literally like nothing has changed. It’s still bad. It’s still terrible. … I’m not seeing this in much of the media.”

He added that while there haven’t been any organized encampments, things have just moved to the student population.

Greenblatt then turned to Cornell Professor Russell Rickford returning to the school despite his praise of the October 7 attacks and said, “[C]ould you imagine…any CEO at any Fortune 500 with an employee like that so derelict of duty, not focused on what they’re supposed to do, saying, okay, no problem, you’re back? It’s just like bizarro how things seem to work in the Ivory Tower.”

Co-host Joe Kernen then said, “Tenure is almost like term limits, it seems like — or not having term limits. Tenure’s one of the worst attributes, I think, of exacerbating all this. They can basically do whatever they want.”

Greenblatt responded, “I appreciate the utility of allowing a scholar to be able to do research, and yet, you’re right, the tenure limit needs to be — the tenure system needs to be re-examined.”

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