On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” host Kaitlan Collins claimed that “of course,” 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris “wants Roe v. Wade codified into law, which would go up to viability, about 24 weeks” despite a later concession that Harris dodged about what restrictions she’d support.

While discussing plans on IVF, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) stated that “most Republicans I know all support IVF, what we don’t support are the kind of radical proposals that Kamala Harris has addressed, like on the abortion question. She wants a nationwide abortion law that would mandate all states allow partial-birth abortion up to the moment of birth and deny lifesaving care for any child who is born during a botched abortion. That’s what’s truly radical.”

Collins then said, “And, of course, as you know, she wants Roe v. Wade codified into law, which would go up to viability, about 24 weeks.” Collins then went to end the interview.

Cotton cut in to counter, “What I know is she won’t answer a single — she won’t answer a question about…what month it is appropriate to reasonably protect the rights of unborn children. Is it the eighth month, is it the ninth month? She won’t answer any of those questions. Kaitlan. Because she knows that her radical views on these questions are out of step with the American people.”

When Cotton said that Harris won’t answer questions, Collins responded, “Right.” She added, “And Senator Tom Cotton, Donald Trump did not say on that debate stage, as well, when she didn’t answer that question, if he would veto a national abortion ban.”

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