On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Ana Cabrera Reports,” MSNBC Political Analyst, former Republican Congressman Carlos Curbelo stated that 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump “certainly could do a lot to make himself safer, to make it less likely that people would become radicalized to this point.” And Trump “has another opportunity, after surviving yet another assassination attempt, to show the country a better way forward, to lower the rhetoric, to lower the tone, to use less aggressive language in his speech, so that, we, as a country, can move forward in a more peaceful and nonviolent way.”

Co-host José Díaz-Balart asked, “Carlos, do you think that in this final stretch of the campaign, there is something that should or could be done to bring down the temperature of our national discourse?”

Curbelo responded, “Well, José, the former President certainly could do a lot to make himself safer, to make it less likely that people would become radicalized to this point. After the first assassination attempt, Donald Trump said he was going to adopt a different tone. He said he was going to try to unite the country, bring people together, lower the temperature and the volume. That lasted for a couple days, until his speech at his convention. Here, the former President has another opportunity, after surviving yet another assassination attempt, to show the country a better way forward, to lower the rhetoric, to lower the tone, to use less aggressive language in his speech, so that, we, as a country, can move forward in a more peaceful and nonviolent way.”

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