Capehart: ‘Frightening’ Half of the Country Is Buying What Trump Is Selling

MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart said Friday on “Chris Jansing Reports” it was “frightening” that roughly half the country supports former President Donald Trump.

Capehart said, “I’ve been watching Donald Trump’s press conference since before we were doing the segment before you jumped to it as the Q&A portion. I have to tell you, listening to him and particularly that answer, one word that comes to mind is reprehensible. A former president of the United States isthat  basically poo-pooing the concerns of the elected officials in the affected city, in Springfield, Ohio. The Republican governor of the state debunked this and yet he’s still talking about it and throws it back to the border. Then what he says in addition to that is that this is why I will lead the largest mass deportation in the history of the country.”

He continued, “This language he uses. It’s the first time I’ve heard him use the word nest when talking about immigrants. They’re coming from nests and they’re coming to this country? He is dehumanizing and devaluing migrants as part of the prelude for this mass deportation. It is unconscionable that he is saying these things and that the Republican Party is not pushing back.”

Capehart added, “What is most frightening of all is that just about a half of the country is buying what he’s selling.”

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