Representative James Clyburn (D-SC) claimed Thursday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that Vice President Kamala Harris has a broad base of support because “progressives love her, conservatives respect her.”

Host Nicolle Wallace said, “We compare her to President Obama, whose campaign is similar in terms of the enthusiasm, but ideologically, she’s already rallied a much wider coalition. Her enthusiast supporters, include Bernie Sanders and Dick Cheney. I wonder if you can speak to the broadness, the broad base of support.”

Clyburn said, “That’s absolutely correct. It’s kind of interesting if you go back and look at her candidacy back in 2019 before she dropped out of that race, everybody was saying a the time that she was too far to the right of center. This time around, in anticipation, she’s too far to the left of center. Where is she? She’s right where the vast majority of the American people are. ”

He continued, “I just believe there are times to be conservative, there are times to be liberal, there are times to be progressive. We have got to continue to a more more perfect union.”

Clyburn added, “She’s doing that. That’s why you see such a broad base of support for her. Progressives love her. Conservatives respect her.”

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