Cotton: Dick Cheney Endorsed Harris Because ‘Trump Beat His Daughter’ by 39 Points

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that former Vice President Dick Cheney endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris because former President Donald Trump endorsed Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY), who beat an incumbent Liz Cheney.

Host Dana Bash said, “I want to start with some of the endorsements that Kamala Harris got this week, particularly from former Congresswoman Liz Cheney and her father, the former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney.”

Cotton said, “You have Dick Cheney endorsing a Democrat, and you have a Kennedy endorsing a Republican. I think what it tells us is that there’s a lot of ferment and American politics, but in the end, endorsements are not going to make the difference in this race.”

Bash said, “You don’t think his endorsement of a Democrat with that kind of pedigree is going to make a difference with swing voters?”

Cotton said, “Well, I mean, some of this is probably Donald Trump beat his daughter in her last election back 39 points. I think most Americans are going to look at this race and compare the records they have against the very unusual race. When you have a president who served in office, who brought good times to America, and you have Kamala Harris, a San Francisco liberal, who has brought to America exactly what you see in San Francisco as well.”

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