NYU Professor Galloway: Young Men ‘Don’t Feel Seen’ by the Democratic Party

Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business Scott Galloway said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Reid Out” that young men “don’t feel seen” by the Democratic Party.

Galloway said, “What’s unusual about that discussion is we thought this election was going to be a referendum on women’s rights and bodily autonomy, and Vice President Harris has probably locked up the young female vote. What I think wins or loses this election, Joy, is ironically whose vision for masculinity wins here. A lot of young men are not so much moving towards the Republican Party. Your network has spoke very cogently about the largest gender divide in history, it’s not men moving toward the Republican Party, they’re just as supportive of gender rights as every other group. They’re moving away from the Democratic Party because they don’t feel seen.”

He added, “If you go to the DNC’s website, it says explicitly, who we serve, and it lists 16 demographic groups. As far as I can tell, they cover about 75% of the population or specifically don’t cover young men. So in some, they don’t feel seen. The Democratic Party right now is facing the same issue that many universities and the DEI apparatus has seen. That’s when you’re explicitly advocating for 75% of the population, are you advocating and representing them or are you discriminating against the 25%? Also, we never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. The Infrastructure Act will result in 70% of those new jobs will go to men without necessarily college degrees, but they didn’t want to talk about it.”

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