Jim Jordan: We Sent a Subpoena Asking for Information About Judge Merchan Daughter’s Ties to Democrats

During this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said his committee had subpoenaed information into New York Judge Juan Merchan’s daughter, Loren Merchan, and her ties to the Democratic Party.

Jordan noted Loren Merchan’s financial ties to the Biden-Harris campaign in 2019 and 2020.

Partial transcript as follows:

DUFFY: This sham conviction in New York City. Judge Merchan was the judge in that case. Sentencing comes on September 18.

You have done — you have continued the investigation to look at Judge Merchan’s daughter Loren, who is a political activist who works in politics for Democrats. You sent her a letter requesting information. Have you received a response to your request for information? And what do you hope to learn?

JORDAN: Well, we sent them two letters. We got no response really, other than they said, oh, we don’t really have any information. And the information we do have that with that responds to your request. We don’t think you’re entitled to that, which is garbage.

So we sent them a subpoena last week. We will see what they do. I hope they will send us the information. There are 9 million reasons why we need this — why we think it’s appropriate we have this information, because that’s what this company run by Judge Merchan’s daughter got paid from Harris and Biden’s campaign back in 2019-2020.

And we want to know what’s been going on in ’23 and ’24. So that’s why we sent the letter. We have seen the behavior of Judge Merchan.

DUFFY: Outrageous.

JORDAN: For goodness’ sake, he put a gag order on President Trump. It still exists there. He wouldn’t let the expert on campaign finance testify at the trial. And the sentencing is coming up here in just a few weeks.

So we want this information. We have sent a subpoena. We will see if they give it to us.

DUFFY: When you say you’re not entitled to the information, Congressman, that means they have information in conversations between whether it’s Judge Merchan or the Democrat Party in regard to this conviction of Donald Trump.

JORDAN: Yes. Yes. Exactly.

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