Fox News commentator Karl Rove said Tuesday on “Americas Newsroom” that Vice President Kamala Harris is polling worse than Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton at this point in their presidential races.

Rove said, “The other point about polling, I want to, if possible, let’s talk about that a little bit, because I think let’s put this in perspective. On this day in 2020, Joe Biden was up 7.1% above Donald Trump in the RealClearPolitics average. And at this point in 2016, Hillary Clinton was up 6.3. And as you remember, the election came down to a handful of votes in a handful of states. And today, in the RealClearPolitics average, Harris is up over Trump by 1.5 in the RCP average and 3.5 in the”

He added, “So this, you know, she’s ahead in both averages, but she’s nowhere near ahead by the numbers that both Biden and Clinton were in. And as we know, Clinton lost and Biden won by 42,000 votes in three states. To complicate it further, these are national numbers we’re talking about, and we’ve got a number of polls, 8 to 10 polls that make up these averages, but how is she doing and how is he doing in the battleground states, the 6 or 7 battleground states? We have nowhere near, we have a few polls in several states, but we certainly don’t have 6 or 7 or 8 polls that would give us an average and therefore give us a better idea of where they actually are.”

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