‘Driving Suspicion and Conspiracy Theories’: Ron Johnson Says Secret Service, FBI ‘Are Basically Dragging Their Feet’

On this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) accused the FBI and Secret Service of thwarting the U.S. Senate’s investigation of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump last month.

Johnson said such stonewalling was feeding suspicion and driving conspiracy theories.

“I’m part of the Senate bipartisan investigation,” he said. “It’s led by the chairmen of the committee and subcommittee. All I can really tell you is the Secret Service, FBI are basically dragging their feet. They’re stonewalling us. And we have gotten some transcribed interviews, but the documents we request are heavily redacted. They’re delivered the day of the invest — or the interview, so we really can’t use the documents to conduct the interviews effectively.”

“So we’re not getting squat, from my standpoint, from the Secret Service or the FBI,” Johnson continued. “We have requested all their 302s, their transcriptions of their interviews with hundreds of individuals. They’re not turning those over to us as well. So, Maria, if you were — if you want to design an investigation to raise suspicions and drive conspiracy theories, this is exactly how you do that investigation. I mean, I was — it was just jaw-dropping that they released the body for cremation before anybody’s seen any autopsy or toxicology reports. Again, that’s — again, it’s just driving suspicion and conspiracy theories.”

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