Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that Vice President Kamala Harris was so far to the left that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. endorsed a Republican.

Host Jonathan Karl said, “What do you make of all those Republicans speaking at the Democratic convention?”

Cotton said, “What I make of them is that Trump derangement syndrome is a real thing. But what most Americans remember is we had peace and prosperity. Everything has gone to hell under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. That’s the clear contrast we have. This is an unusual presidential election because President Trump has been president before. The American people know what he did. They know that he understands the kind of pain they’ve suffered for the last four years under Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. I think that’s why they’re ready to return Donald Trump to the White House.”

He added, “In every election, you have some members of one party endorsing a candidate of the other party. That’s a very traditional aspect of American politics. I mean, look at what just happened this week. The Democratic Party under Kamala Harris has gone so far to the left that you actually had a Kennedy endorse a Republican. That’s pretty remarkable that the Democratic Party has become so radical under Kamala Harris that a member of the Kennedy family has come out to endorse a Republican.”

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