Representative James Clyburn (D-SC) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that President Joe Biden will be admired for how civil rights icon Martin Luther King, Jr. is looked at.

Clyburn said, “COVID-19 opened up some fault lines in this country, and we are about repairing them. That’s what Joe Biden did. And I think that people are going to look at Joe Biden much the way we look at Martin Luther King, Jr. when he said in his speech, ‘It does not matter how long you live, but how well you live.’ And I say the same thing about Joe Biden. He may not have had as long a presidency as he wanted to have, but I don’t think you’ll have any better of a presidency than he has had.”

He added, “That’s what we’ve got to get out to the American people. And I think Kamala Harris is going to build upon that. She was a part of that foundation. I mentioned earlier, when she got down to Memphis in her response to Dobbs, people don’t remember that when we got into a little bit of difficulty with France over that submarine deal, Joe Biden sent Kamala Harris to Paris and she came back with a great victory. That should tell the American people a whole lot about who she is, not just on the domestic front, but on the international front as well.”

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