Marlow: ‘Way Too Soon’ to Declare Kamala-mentum Unstoppable

Breitbart editor-in-chief and New York Times bestselling “Breaking Biden” author Alex Marlow said Monday on Real America’s Voice’s “The Charlie Kirk Show” that it was “too soon” to suggest that “Kamala-mentum” is unstoppable.

Marlow said, “Some big news today that the DOJ is considering breaking up Google over their landmark antitrust ruling that we saw, which I gotta admit, I was anticipating that that ruling wouldn’t be nearly as extensive as it might turn out to be. And this is a very exciting time because we’re getting some real victories here on the tech front. Of course, we’re seeing some of the benefits of Elon Musk taking over Twitter. And then, now there’s some pressure being put on Google, which clearly needs to be broken up somehow, even from a left-wing government, then perhaps on the march here in a positive way.”

He continued, “There’s a big story out that just published at It’s a breakdown I did of another huge victory against internet censorship that we saw. I had an extensive interview with Marissa Streit from PragerU, where we talked about Chairman Jim Jordan’s efforts for the House Judiciary Committee to take down the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, this entity called GARM. In GARM what they’ve done is they’re part of the World Federation of Advertisers, and they have gone out of their way to try to boycott and thus censor conservative thought online, trying to collude with advertisers to make sure that companies like mine aren’t able to thrive and aren’t able to make money and grow, etc.”

Marlow added, “This is a massive global censorship effort that’s not just coming from the United States, it’s coming from Europe, it’s coming from elsewhere, it’s coming from the biggest corporations on earth. And thanks to the investigations of Jim Jordan and pressure applied by Elon Musk with a major lawsuit, as well as the folks at Rumble who are readying a big lawsuit, those folks got GARM disbanded. And that’s great news. Now, will they spin up another entity that does the same stuff? Of course they will, but we’re on the march here, you know, a lot of victories. And that’s why I don’t want people to get demoralized in this audience because you saw some headline on some newspaper suggesting that Kamala-mentum is unstoppable. Way too soon for that and it just really doesn’t, doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.”

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