Dem Gov. Murphy: Even as Things Get More Policy-Focused, Harris, Walz Should Do ‘More of the Same’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Power Lunch,” New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) said that in the next weeks, the Harris-Walz campaign should do “more of the same” even as the campaign gets more policy-focused.

Co-host Kelly Evans asked, “What do they need to do right in order to solidify the gains that they’ve made in the weeks that are to come, where we have the debate, it will get more policy-driven, I imagine. Everyone will be pressing for more details on what exactly they would do in office. What do you think?”

Murphy responded, “First of all, more of the same. They’ve had an extraordinary several weeks here, and they show no signs of letting up. You’ve got a convention next week in Chicago, which, if all goes well, and I anticipate it will, we’ll leave Chicago next Thursday night with a lot of wind in our sails. But they’ll also have to remember, this is a marathon. Three or four weeks does not make a general election campaign. They’ll have about 70, plus or minus, days between Chicago and Election Day. And they’re going to have to earn it every day. The good news is, I know them both. And they are as qualified a duo as I could possibly imagine. Everything from their political instincts, to their life stories, to their policy chops. So, whether it’s a debate, whether it’s a rally, whether it’s holding up your life résumé to scrutiny, we could not have a better duo leading our ticket.”

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