Representative Dan Goldman (D-NY) said Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report” that President Donald Trump is “too chicken” to show up at the September 10 presidential debate.

Anchor Bret Baier said, “On debates, do you think that there is only going to be one? Do you think that she will agree to other debates? Have you heard anything inside the campaign?”

Goldman said, “Look, if Donald Trump is not too chicken to show up on September 10, which he had agreed to, I believe that Vice President Harris will be happy to have additional debates after that. If I’m Donald Trump, I understand why he doesn’t want to debate, Kamala Harris is a former prosecutor. She is very strong.”

Baier said, “He has accepted three. He said yes to September 4, September 10, September 17. He said yes to a lot of them. So it’s not that he is obviously afraid to debate.”

Goldman said, “No, no, no. He had agreed to September 10 on ABC.”

Baier said, “With Biden who got pushed out.”

Goldman said, “What’s the difference? Why should he not debate whoever the candidate is on September 10 as he agreed to?”

Baier said, “Okay.”

Goldman said, “What is the difference between candidate Biden and candidate Harris?”

Baier said, “No, no it’s fine. He said he would do it. He has agreed to other debates. He has. It’s the Kamala Harris campaign that hasn’t agreed on the other side.”

Goldman said, “No, No. He should do the debate that was originally scheduled for September 10, if he shows up to that. You can’t trust Donald Trump to show up to anything. He will do September 4 on Fox, get with his, you know, supporters in the audience, and then he will just say no more debates. You can’t trust Donald Trump.”

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