Chris Matthews: Kamala Harris Like ‘John Wayne,’ She Is a Natural Leader

Long-time political commentator Chris Matthews said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that Vice President Kamala Harris is a natural leader like John Wayne’s cowboy characters.

Host Joe Scarborough asked, “What were your thoughts about the rally last night?”

Matthews said, “Well, one was the strength of Kamala Harris. I mean, she came off as a leader. She owned that whole room. Her confidence level was through the roof.”

He continued, “I said after Barack Obama spoke in Boston back in 2004, we saw the first black president. I think anything is possible in this campaign now, and she proved it last night. Picking Walz was her point, her decision and she made it. This election may be short enough to beat history. We can have a woman of color as our next president because of the length of this campaign.”

Matthews added, “I don’t know where it came from and where it’s been four weeks ago even, but we saw leadership last night. Bob Casey, the former governor of Pennsylvania, who won his election by a million votes, said, Pennsylvania is a John Wayne state, not a Jane Fonda state. She was John Wayne last night. She was a leader, a leader. And she was clear that she was the boss.”

He concluded, “She came across as naturally the leader of that room.”

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