Dem Rep. Strickland: Harris Isn’t ‘Failed Border Czar,’ Numbers Are Falling Under Biden and It’s Trump’s Fault

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” Rep. Marilyn Strickland (D-WA) argued that Republicans tried to say that 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris “was a failed border czar, when, in fact, people coming over the southern border [have] decreased by 50% through President Biden’s executive order.” And “if anyone’s going to have responsibility” for the border, “it lands solely with Donald Trump.”

Strickland said, “So, remember, when Vice President Harris was announced as the person that President Biden supports, the attacks started immediately. First, they tried to say she was a failed border czar, when, in fact, people coming over the southern border [have] decreased by 50% through President Biden’s executive order. And there is a bill sitting in the Senate, a bipartisan bill to address the border that Donald Trump demanded not come to the floor. So, if anyone’s going to have responsibility, it lands solely with Donald Trump.”

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