Tuesday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Hannity,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) questioned the Secret Service and its acting director Ronald Rowe’s authenticity when claiming a pursuit of the facts surrounding an attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, the GOP presidential nominee.

Following Rowe’s testimony earlier in the day before a U.S. Senate committee, Hawley suggested the Secret Service was engaging in a “cover their rear ends” maneuver with its response to lawmaker questions.

“Can you explain why Donald Trump, and this came up today, was allowed on the stage 17 minutes after reports of a suspicious person?” Hannity asked. “Could we ever get an answer? Do we ever get an answer on why they claimed this was a sloped roof when I fell off a roof nearly three stories and as — when I was doing roofing and that’s not a slope roof, and yet they didn’t put people around the perimeter? They didn’t put sniper eyes on it because that would seem very basic to me, very fundamental to me?”

“Well, what whistleblowers tell me, Sean, is that actually there was law enforcement assigned to be on that roof,” Hawley replied. “I asked the Secret Service director about that today and he said, well, gee, I’m not sure. And I said, how can you not be sure? Seventeen days have gone by. But here’s the reason why, Sean? Secret Service hasn’t even talked to local law enforcement. They’ve done zero local law enforcement debris for interviews since the shooting, zero.”

“I mean, it just begs the question, what is going on?” he continued. Are they really trying to get the facts, or are they just trying to cover their rear ends? And it sure looks a whole lot to me, like the second thing. The American people deserve the truth here, not whitewashing, not stonewalling, not a bunch of bureaucratic gobbledygook. They deserve the truth. And I am not going to stop pushing until we actually get it.”

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