Tuesday on FNC’s “Hannity,” Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer, a Breitbart News senior contributor and the author of “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans,” argued presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris has shown a willingness to do the bidding of her donors and the so-called political establishment.

According to Schweizer, if elected to the presidency, we should expect this trend to continue.

“The way you described what just happened, that this was essentially a coup and that Kamala Harris is beholden to party bosses and political leaders, is absolutely how she started her career, Sean,” Schweizer said. “In 2003, a district attorney in San Francisco named Terence Hallinan was investigating Mayor Willie Brown’s friends. He was also investigating the priest scandal of sexual abuse in San Francisco, and that touched some very powerful institutions, including an elite prep school that involved the Gettys, Gov. Jerry Brown, etc. Their involvement with that school.”

“So what happened?” he continued. “The San Francisco elite decided we’re going to run somebody against Terence Hallinan, this progressive prosecutor, and that person was Kamala Harris. They poured in the money, they poured in the organization. She became the new San Francisco district attorney. And guess what, Sean? The cases against Willie Brown’s friends were dropped. Some of those were very serious cases involving fraud that affected the safety of the people of San Francisco. She dropped those cases.”

“The priestly abuse scandal that was taking place, she never prosecuted a single case, Sean,” Schweizer added. “Of the 50 largest cities in America, San Francisco was the only one that that didn’t prosecute a single case, and she covered it up by deep-sixing documents that her predecessor had obtained. So, Kamala Harris has always been about doing the bidding of the donors and of the political establishment. She did in San Francisco. She did it as California attorney general and were she to become president, she would do it yet again.”

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