White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Tuesday on ABC’s “The View” that President Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race because “our democracy is at stake.”

Jean-Pierre said, “What we saw from this president in the last couple days was a human decency, a good man, someone who decided not to put himself first –like we’ve seen before — but to put the American people first and this country first.”

She continued, “I would also say folks who have not seen the letter that he penned on Sunday and shared and released, you should. I think the letter, if you read it thoroughly, there’s no spin to it. There’s no spin. He truly believed it was the right thing to do in this moment. He truly believe that it was the right thing to do for this country — I’m a little emotional — the right thing to do for this country, the American people, is to give it to someone who is incredibly qualified, right? He said, he said himself the reason why he picked Vice President Kamala Harris is because he believed that she would be ready to lead from day one. And so he believed she was the right person to take over the campaign. And she is. And while all of us, it was hard for many of us, we are incredibly proud of this president. We trust his leadership. We trust his judgment. And we’re just going to continue to be behind him as he continues to lead this country.”

Jean-Pierre added, “He gets where we are as a country. Let’s not for get there is a lot at stake, there is a lot at stake. Our democracy is at stake. A woman’s right to choose and make decisions of their own body is at stake.”

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