Dem Sen. Coons: Biden Can’t Resign Because of His Foreign Policy Experience, It Would Be ‘Disrespect’ to Him

During an interview with CNN on Sunday, Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), who was a co-Chair of the Biden Campaign, responded to calls for President Joe Biden to resign by stating that Biden has demonstrated his ability on international issues and that he “has more experience in foreign policy than any national leader, and to have him step aside now, I think would be a grave disservice to our nation and a profound disrespect to his legacy and his lifetime of service.”

Coons said, “I think that is ridiculous. I think President Biden has shown, in recent weeks, his ability to handle and manage complex international matters, to continue his lifelong record of service and his legacy of leadership in foreign policy, and to make hard calls and tough choices that help make us stronger and safer here at home. I expect President Biden will finish out his term this year. And there are things that remain to be done. We are still negotiating our annual appropriations bill, our Defense Authorization Act. As I just said, there is critical undone work to secure peace in Gaza and a stable and more secure future for Israel and the Israeli people. Joe Biden has more experience in foreign policy than any national leader, and to have him step aside now, I think would be a grave disservice to our nation and a profound disrespect to his legacy and his lifetime of service.”

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