Dem Rep. Smith: Biden Wouldn’t Be Nominee if Voters Saw Debate Before Primaries

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “José Díaz-Balart Reports,” Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA), who has called for President Joe Biden to leave the race, argued that if voters in the 2024 Democratic presidential primary elections had seen Biden’s debate performance before they voted, they would not have nominated him.

Smith said, “As far as all those people who voted for him, as I say, go back, play that debate right before any of those 14 million people vote, and do you think they’d vote differently? I do. Circumstances have changed since those elections happened. The Democratic Party has a process. We have delegates. We can nominate our candidate that we want. It doesn’t have to be any one person, and I just implore our party to see this.”

Smith also stated that Biden just is not capable of delivering the message of his campaign against 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump and this issue goes beyond his performance in the presidential debate, questions about Biden’s health that the White House hasn’t been totally transparent about are distracting from the Democratic Party’s case against Trump and for the successes of the Biden administration, and Biden’s campaign isn’t “viable” if they’re still struggling to get Democrats on board at this point in the race.

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