During the “PBS NewsHour” coverage of the Republican National Convention on Thursday, Washington Post Associate Editor and MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart lamented that there hasn’t been any “moderation” at the RNC and there has been “animus” spewed from the stage and said that one example of the lack of any indication of moderation was a speaker stating that “the Democratic Party doesn’t know what a woman is.”

Capehart said, “I go back to what I’ve been saying since Monday, you can say all you want that the attempted assassination might make [2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump] more introspective, might tone things down, might have him focus on unity, but when we look at the people who have come across that stage, the word — the speeches that they’ve given, the words that they’ve used, the animus that they’ve hurled out, I’m sorry, but I’m having a hard time seeing how there’s any kind of moderation here. He doesn’t have to say the president’s name, but he can use phrases like ‘invasion,’ ‘illegal aliens,’ the Democratic Party doesn’t know what a woman is, those sorts of things, I am quoting things I have heard while sitting here.”

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